The world is in flux right now, and you sure don’t need us being the ones to tell you that, do you? We’ve heard the phrase “new normal” so often that it’s lost all meaning–if it ever had one to begin with. “Normal” right now is different for each and every person, and we’re all living our lives differently and to our own standards. Some people are traveling the world as best they can, while others still prefer to keep to themselves. But honestly, this isn’t anything new–for time eternal people have lived their lives differently from one another, and we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle wherever they are.
That’s why we developed Apex Anywhere, a program that acknowledges that not only does everyone live a different life, but that even the same person’s life may be completely different one day to the next, and tailors your training to meet your needs and your lifestyle.
Training for the gym you call home (or your home gym)
Apex Anywhere is one of the most intuitive and customizable app-based fitness programs ever created. When you start using the app, you’ll go through a long-term tracking survey that explores your lifestyle, your activity levels, your personal fitness goals, your habits, your health history, and more. Are you a work-at-home mother who doesn’t care about getting ripped, but has a set of weights in the basement and would love to avoid a family history of heart disease? Are you a marathon runner with a favorite gym membership, but who travels the world and still needs to get in daily training? We’ve got you covered; Apex Anywhere will make a fitness program for you.
But it doesn’t stop there. Each day, Apex Anywhere will have you fill out a smaller survey about your particulars that day. Maybe you’re running all sorts of errands and can only find 10 minutes to work out that day. Maybe you twisted your ankle and can’t do legwork, but don’t want to just sit on your butt. Maybe you’re on vacation and have hours of free time, but only have access to a hotel swimming pool. Consistent exercise is one of the biggest factors in meeting fitness goals, so no matter your situation, Apex Anywhere will tailor a workout that you can do on any day so that you don’t break the habit and miss your mark.
We believe that fitness should be available to everyone, and that fitness looks different for every single person. That’s why Apex Anywhere was created, so that no matter what people can do on any given day, they can keep working towards their fitness goals. Sign up now to start your journey with the help of one of the most flexible app-based fitness programs on the planet. For more info on our Apex Anywhere program or to explore The Gym MPLS’ training-first fitness center, email or give us a call at (612) 405-3002. And while you’re at it, give us a follow on Instagram (@trainwithapex/@thegymmpls) for daily motivation, tips for trainers, and more.