It’s that time of year again – January 1st. Over 70% of the millions of Americans who make resolutions vow to exercise more, eat healthier and spend less money. By the time Valentine’s Day chocolate boxes are emptied and roses are wilted, only 20 percent of those ambitious souls will be continuing the journey. When it’s time to purchase last-minute supplies to ring in 2019, only 8 percent of the original millions will cross the threshold to success. Will you be among the successful 8 percent?

The Secret Sauce of Success

What does that 8% know that the others are missing – especially the 80% who dropped off by mid-February? Chances are they set well-defined goals. Having a goal to shoot for is good.  Having a specific goal is better. Having a specific, well-defined goal is best.

To boost your chances of success, your goals need to be S.M.A.R.T., which stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. You’ve probably heard of this acronym before. S.M.A.R.T. goals provide the stepping stones to successful goal completion. For example:

Specific – also simple, significant. Want to eat healthy? Read labels. Practice menu planning. Know the healthy choices at the restaurants you frequent. Eat more vegetables.

Measurable – meaningful, motivating. Want to exercise more? Plan on walking or jogging 3 miles (or more or less, depending upon your level of fitness) 4 times a week. Commit to spending an hour in the gym 3 days a week. Join the Tai Chi class you’ve been talking about for the last 2 years.

Attainable – achievable. Talk to a fitness trainer and design a plan that will work with your time schedule and your fitness level.

Realistic – results, focus. Lose one pound a week. Weigh yourself every Wednesday. Go to the gym for 30 minutes every Tuesday.

Timely – time-bound. Lose 6 pounds by February 15th. Complete monthly menus by the 5th of each month.

Add the Ultimate Ingredient to the Secret Sauce

Here’s one last tip for crushing your resolutions this year. Make them value-based. For example, if you value family, you probably value health.  Without good health, your family life is going to be impacted. Making sound choices when it comes to eating better and exercising is going to give you increased health more quality time with your family. You’ll have more energy and be in a better mood.

Looking at your resolutions through the lens of your values may give them the importance they deserve. It may also help you prioritize the steps to reach your goals and ultimately move you toward a healthier lifestyle.

Join the 8-Percent Club!

You can do this. Take the time to map out how you plan to achieve the goals. Enlist the help of an accountability buddy and check in on a regular basis. Reward yourself for reaching milestones. Apex Personal Training helps you fulfill fitness resolutions by designing customized fitness programs. We’ll even help you set realistic goals. Contact us and get started on your group or one-on-one sessions now!